This kind-hearted 9-year-old boy spent all his savings to help the homeless: the best kindness


In these current turbulent times, all our efforts are focused on taking care of ourselves and our loved ones.

But we forget those who need help more than others. Nine-year-old American boy Natan Simons reminds us what true humanity is.

Like all children his age, Natan loved watching YouTube videos, something his father Etan didn’t quite approve of.

But Etan changed his mind when one of the videos inspired Natan to do something unexpected:

He used all his personal savings to buy things for the local homeless shelter!

This kind-hearted 9-year-old boy spent all his savings to help the homeless: the best kindness

The fifth-grade boy watched a video of people donating money to help shelters and it inspired him.

He contacted the local shelter and asked what they needed.

Then he and his dad went to the bank, where they each withdrew $150 from their own accounts.

For Natan, this amount represented all his savings over the past 18 months. “Now I’m happy and proud of myself,” the boy says.

This kind-hearted 9-year-old boy spent all his savings to help the homeless: the best kindness

Cindy Gramentz, the coordinator of the shelter’s development program, accepted the gifts and told Natan:

“Do you know what you’re doing is truly wonderful? You’re helping a lot of people!”

For a nine-year-old child, such compassion and respect for charity work are rare!

Natan’s proud dad shared it on his Facebook page. “I can’t help but brag about my son when he does great things,” Etan wrote.

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