It is said that children already have not only a physical but also an emotional connection to their mother while they are still in the womb.
The bond between the mother and the child becomes so strong during pregnancy that the child can even absorb a part of the mother’s emotions.
Many do not believe in this and think that after birth, children don’t understand who is in front of them at all, and they are only busy crying and panicking.
However, the reaction of this newborn girl to her mother immediately after birth proves the opposite.
In a hospital in Brazil, newborn Agatha was brought to her mother through a cesarean section immediately after birth.
The girl immediately pressed against her 24-year-old mother Brenda’s face and hugged her.
Everyone was surprised, and this moment was captured by doctors in a photograph.
The girl had been born just a few hours ago and was already becoming popular on the internet.
The mother recounted that it was an unforgettable feeling.
The entire staff was amazed because no one had seen anything like this during their practice. The girl was named Agata.
She is about 4 years old now, but there are no photos of her at that age. Most likely, the parents didn’t want to make their daughter more publicly known.