Study states that the laughter of young children when tickled does not always indicate amusement

Populair Nieuws

Each of us has been tickled by parents or a family member at least a couple of times in their life.

Everyone knows that tickling occurs through light and repeated touches, which lead to an excitement of the muscles or skin.

And it’s always accompanied by nervous laughter.

Study states that the giggles of young children when tickled do not always indicate amusement

Even adults can experience such touches while joking. And it’s always a physiological response triggered by touch.

Study states that the laughter of young children when tickled does not always indicate amusement

But tickling is sometimes pleasurable, yet it can also be irritating and distressing, especially for the little ones.

Researchers from the University of California conducted a study and found that tickling can be very dangerous for some children.

Study states that the giggles of young children when tickled do not always indicate amusement

The study states that the laughter of a tickled child does not always indicate amusement and that the laughter may not be related to their mood.

And for such children, this touch can be very uncomfortable.

Study states that the laughter of young children when tickled does not always indicate amusement

In such cases, the child asks for it to stop, but as they continue to laugh, we don’t take it seriously. In reality, it’s not laughter but a grimace.

This is absolutely risky because it could affect the child’s breathing.

Furthermore, it leads to loss of muscle control and temporary paralysis. It can also result from loss of consciousness.

Study states that the giggles of young children when tickled do not always indicate amusement

Experts say that tickling is not prohibited, but one must always listen to children because tickling is not always fun.

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