Look at your fingers to quickly determine your optimal meal size: that so cute

Bewerkers Keuze


“Our body itself provides us with all the necessary information about our lifestyle,” as Lemurov.net reminds us, “we just need to know how to read it.

For instance, the spread-out fingers of the right hand: the thumb indicates breakfast, which should be substantial; then comes a confident snack, followed by a hearty lunch, a light afternoon snack, and finally, a very modest pinky finger-sized dinner.

It’s the principle recommended by most nutritionists worldwide. But there are other useful rules!

Fist-sized portion for measuring fast carbs

Look at your fingers to quickly determine your optimal meal size: that so cute

Pasta, rice, fried potatoes, various types of porridge – you need a portion the size of your fist to get a one-time dose of fast carbohydrates, a convenient source of energy.

Tofu cheese, boiled or fried fish, a piece of cutlet or patty. If this source of protein fits in your palm – no further questions, this is what you need to avoid overeating.

Two-finger portion of cheese

Look at your fingers to quickly determine your optimal meal size: that so cute

No, if you want to enjoy a cheesy dish, you can skip this advice. But if we’re talking about the quantity of cheese in your diet in terms of useful substances like calcium, then eating a piece the size of two of your fingers at a time is sufficient.

And how much butter?

Just a little, a piece the size of the phalanx of your index finger. That’s the amount of butter we spread on bread or add to salad.

The rule also applies to fruits and some types of vegetables, such as tomatoes. Eat as much as fits in a handful made from both your hands – one large apple, several slices of melon, a handful of currants, etc.

Look at your fingers to quickly determine your optimal meal size: that so cute

The first phalanx of your thumb – that’s how much honey, jam, or chocolate should be in a single meal to treat your taste buds without creating problems for your figure.

When choosing ice cream, a slice of cake, or a cookie, use the size of your clenched fist as a guide – oh, what a troublesome body, not letting you indulge in deliciousness to your heart’s content! Yes, it doesn’t allow.

First note: these rules are not suitable for children, only for a mature adult body.

Second note: everyone has contraindications and individual peculiarities, don’t ignore them for the sake of trendy trends.

Third note: the quality of food is always better than quantity; these rules just help orient those who are only beginning to think – what and how much am I eating?

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