The 77-year-old grandmother has completely transformed since retiring by training seven days a week at the gym

Populair Nieuws

Australian Janice Lorraine, aged 77, is a professional bodybuilder.

She started practicing bodybuilding after her retirement.

She decided to boldly pursue bodybuilding because she missed her career as a school psychologist.

“No one has the right to dictate when I should stop working or stay at home.

The 77-year-old grandmother has completely transformed since retiring by training seven days a week at the gym

I felt like I was drifting away from what I loved. I felt devastated,” Janice says.

One day, she went to a gym where she noticed a group of older women struggling to do basic exercises.

That’s when Janice realized she didn’t want to be immobilized for as long as possible.

The 77-year-old grandmother has completely transformed since retiring by training seven days a week at the gym

She started working out. She goes to the gym seven days a week, does 60 push-ups, and runs 20 miles per week.

“We have 80-year-olds in our gym! They stay fit and lead an active life,” explains Janice Lorraine.

Her husband supports her every step of the way.

The 77-year-old grandmother has completely transformed since retiring by training seven days a week at the gym

He also helps her with body makeup during competitions.

Currently, she is training for a bodybuilding competition in Thailand and believes that her example will inspire other retirees to stand tall after retirement.

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