An elderly lady living in Burra, Scotland, is Anne Eunson. She is a well-known seamstress and enjoys her profession. Even at her respectable age, she decided to perfect her craft.
The lady has heard that once, in Scotland, seamstresses wove a fence all around a house. This fence was made with threads and needles.
Anne decided to surround her garden with an enclosure made of lace and fishing nets. The woman used the famous Shetland lace technique.
Chetland lace knits are very fine and very light. This type of lace is an inseparable part of Anglo-Saxon culture.
And it was not by chance that Anne used this Anglo-Saxon way of weaving. For more than a decade, specialists have been trying to revive the good traditions of Chetland lace knitting.
And Anne Eunson also followed this good tradition by using her knowledge to knit an enclosure around her garden.
What she accomplished is something exceptional and worthy of praise.
Aside from its creative and entertaining approach, it’s a spectacular sight.
Several cultural associations in Britain contacted Anne Eunson to talk about her professional experience and her fence which is woven from fishing net with lace.