Simona Gately, a 35-year-old mother of five children with 34,000 followers on Instagram, has captured the admiration of her followers with her lifestyle.
She resides in Halifax, United Kingdom, and manages to maintain such a large number of followers.
Despite being a mother of five, with her oldest child being 9 years old, Simona maintains a dream figure.
Simona claims that men constantly reach out to her, wanting her to become an inspiration for their wives.
She explains to them that she is far from being an expert, but she is willing to share her experience with them: “I make them understand that the arrival of a child significantly affects a woman’s body, and pregnancy and childbirth vary for each individual.
Therefore, the postpartum recovery can be very different. But the joy of becoming a parent is a reward that surpasses everything else.”
Simona’s exercise program consists of a 60-minute jog every day at 5 am, a one-hour walk with her dog and one of her children at lunchtime, and a 30-minute fitness session twice a week.
From a young age, the children are encouraged to be active and take walks, and Simona is supported in this endeavor by her 45-year-old partner, who is a teacher.
During her first pregnancy, she gained a lot of extra weight because she was eating all the time. However, she got back on track and reduced her food intake.
Today, she strives to make at least 80% of her food healthy and low in calories.
Her daily diet usually consists of cereal or scrambled eggs for breakfast, a salmon salad for lunch, fish or turkey with roasted vegetables for dinner, and a few bananas for snacks.
Simona claims that this consistent practice revitalizes her, enabling her to accomplish all her tasks and enjoy life.