A couple with an age difference of 51 years: what is the fate of Terzel and Winston 3 years after the marriage

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In 2018, Terzel, a 27-year-old from South Africa, seriously considered starting a family, but she didn’t have suitable candidates among her acquaintances for this role.

Then she began going to the club frequently in the evenings, making new connections.

One of those evenings became fateful for the young woman. In that club, she met her future husband, Winston, 78 years old. Winston was at the ball, one might say, by accident.

After the death of his wife, he spent 20 long years in solitude in his apartment. But it was that evening when he decided to unwind and take a stroll through the city streets.

A couple with an age difference of 51 years: what is the fate of Terzel and Winston 3 years after the marriage

Winston’s attention was drawn to a familiar song coming from the club, prompting him to enter. At the bar, he met Terzel, and he immediately fell in love at first sight.

The young woman also caught the eye of the gallant gentleman, and a conversation began between them.

The age difference bothered neither Terzel nor Winston. They quickly declared themselves a couple and began spending almost all their time together.

The local girls accepted her partner into the family as their own. Grandmother Terzel, who was only a few years older than him, particularly liked the older gentleman.

A couple with an age difference of 51 years: what is the fate of Terzel and Winston 3 years after the marriage

A few months later, the lovers decided to get married and began preparing for the upcoming ceremony. On November 17, 2018, Terzel and Winston got married.

Such an unusual union attracted the attention of major media, and the couple quickly became famous.

The couple immediately gained fans worldwide. However, not everyone believed in the sincerity of their feelings and sought an explanation, such as a marriage of convenience.

However, Winston is a completely ordinary man with no immeasurable wealth or connections. Three years have passed since the marriage.

A couple with an age difference of 51 years: what is the fate of Terzel and Winston 3 years after the marriage

Now, Terzel is 30 years old, and Winston is 81, and they are still together. The spouses love each other and pay no attention to those who condemn them.

The couple is convinced that true love knows no age. They are happy together, and for them, that’s what matters most. Hundreds of followers watch their life on social media.

Many of them are interested: “Do they plan to have children?” However, the couple still leaves this question unanswered.

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