A 17-year-old teenager finds himself raising his daughter alone after being abandoned by his parents and his partner

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A 17-year-old teenager finds himself in the situation of having to raise his daughter all alone after being abandoned by his parents and his partner.

He is now seeking advice online to rebuild his life and take care of his daughter in the best possible way.

The young man met the young woman at the age of 17, and initially, they lived together without any commitment, trying to live in the present without planning anything.

However, the surprise came suddenly: she was pregnant.

Over the following months, they tried to gather funds to raise the child but without informing his parents.

The boy’s family had not been informed about the pregnancy and the birth of the child during her first month of life.

A 17-year-old teenager finds himself raising his daughter alone after being abandoned by his parents and his partner

At first, the new father would sneak out of the house, pretending to take care of a child in the neighborhood: “Sometimes, my former partner would leave and ask me to take care of our daughter, so I had no choice but to look after her while she was away and doing who knows what for hours.”

But when the parents discovered the reality, they were furious: “They kicked me out in the middle of the night, and the next day, I received an ultimatum: leave my former partner, my daughter, and move in with my aunt, or stay with my former partner and be excluded from the family.”

The boy ultimately chose to stay with the mother of his daughter, but upon realizing that she was dependent, he decided to leave her and take his little one with him.

A 17-year-old teenager finds himself raising his daughter alone after being abandoned by his parents and his partner

When he returned after a few days, his former partner was gone, and he hadn’t seen or heard from her for months.

Currently, the father is 18 years old, employed full-time in a country club, earning little, without a vehicle, no opportunities for university education, and not much money saved.

Therefore, after seeking advice on Reddit, the young man attempted to reconnect with his parents, who offered him the opportunity to rebuild their relationship.

Nowadays, the father and the little girl reside in the home of the father’s grandparents, despite the fact that the young man’s future remains uncertain and precarious.

We believe that he will gradually find his way and overcome these challenges.

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