A 10-year-old girl asks her 72-year-old grandfather to dance with her during a tap dancing recital

Populair Nieuws

A child’s favorite person is often their parent. Most children wouldn’t choose one over the other. Children prefer grandparents over parents.

Dr. Wyatt Fisher, a certified clinical psychologist in Denver, explains that it’s because grandparents understand children’s cues and develop secure attachments.

Maeve, a 10-year-old, loves her 72-year-old grandfather.

The 72-year-old grandfather was overjoyed when the optimistic young girl asked him to do tap dancing with her.

A 10-year-old girl asks her 72-year-old grandfather to dance with her during a tap dancing recital

The granddaughter and grandfather practiced together not to disappoint their loved ones.

Her grandfather wore a blue polo shirt, and Maeve wore a blue and white striped dress.

Maeve and her grandfather danced to the music, clapping and tapping.

The audience applauded because their tap dance performance was so delightful.

A 10-year-old girl asks her 72-year-old grandfather to dance with her during a tap dancing recital

Maeve’s grandfather finished their tap dance with a flourish.

The 72-year-old grandfather did a cartwheel that had the audience standing in ovation.

Maeve’s parents proudly uploaded the video on social media. It went viral with over 200,000 views.

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