The baby who should not be born has become a real gift of fate: lucky parents are very happy

Bewerkers Keuze

These spouses have always dreamed of a big family. And their dream came true.

Anna and John had three children and would not give up on the appearance of the fourth baby.

And when Anna became pregnant for the fourth time, the couple was happy. They had three daughters and wanted to have the fourth.

When the woman went to the doctor for an examination, after an ultrasound, the specialist revealed that Anna was expecting a girl and the baby would be born with serious spinal pathology.

The baby who should not be born has become a real gift of fate: lucky parents are very happy

The doctors insisted that Anna terminate the pregnancy. But, the woman decided that her baby would be born at all costs.

When the child was born, it turned out that the problem could be solved with an operation.

Anna was able to find and contact a mother whose child had the same health problem and was recovered by undergoing an intervention, but, which was carried out in Switzerland.

The family did not have the financial means for such expensive surgery.

The baby who should not be born has become a real gift of fate: lucky parents are very happy

So the couple created a special page on the Internet to raise funds and many people came to help.

Fortunately, they succeeded and little Emily was able to arrive at the hospital in time.

The surgery went well thanks to the skill of the doctors and over time, the little girl made a full recovery.

The couple are very grateful to everyone who helped little Emily regain her health.

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