She dreamed of a son, and gave birth to three pairs of twins: how the big family lives now

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The couple really wanted a son and never lost hope. As a result, the son was eventually born, but only on the fourth attempt.

American Meredith Maitland from San Francisco gave birth to her first pair of twins, Gabriella and Julia, 21 years ago when she was just 19.

A little later, Meredith and her husband decided they needed a son to be completely happy. But it didn’t happen there…

“I thought the birth of twins was just an incredible chance, a one-in-a-million ticket that I managed to cash in,” says Meredith.

She dreamed of a son, and gave birth to three pairs of twins: how the big family lives now

However, nature is sometimes very ironic. When Meredith went for an ultrasound with a new pregnancy in late 2007, two heartbeats showed up again. In July 2008, Elsa and Lucia were born.

“Perhaps others would have stopped there, but we were already driven by excitement and curiosity – what’s it like to raise a boy and not a girl?” says Brady, Meredith’s husband.

Three years later, Meredith became pregnant again. This time, the pregnancy was a singleton, but the couple was once again expecting a girl. However, even then, the couple didn’t give up on having a son.

“Oddly enough, it was the birth of Kambia that pushed us into our fourth pregnancy,” explains Meredith.

She dreamed of a son, and gave birth to three pairs of twins: how the big family lives now

You can’t imagine how much easier it is after two pairs of twins to carry and give birth to a single child. It was practically a vacation. No wonder they say everything is known in comparison.

Meredith became pregnant again. The couple had no doubt that this time it would definitely be a boy. And it happened, but only in the entire set with the son, there was also a daughter. So Meredith gave birth to the 3rd pair of twins.

“It’s funny that when I found out about the twins, my first thought was: oh my god, two more college admissions,” laughs Meredith. The American admits that she never actually dreamed of such a large family.

“But I wouldn’t change anything in my life,” says the mother of many children. “You know, it’s crazy fun to raise such a group of kids. It’s always like an endless slumber party in our house.

She dreamed of a son, and gave birth to three pairs of twins: how the big family lives now

Yes, sometimes it’s chaos, but the love that prevails in our family is much more important than the difficulties.

And that’s how life goes for a mother of many little ones. Meredith does her laundry once a week, on Thursdays. 10 to 12 loads of dirty clothes are common for her.

Any joint trip must also be approached responsibly: the mother always conducts a roll call where each child calls out their number – everyone is so calm that no one gets lost.

However, Meredith doesn’t hide it: she has also had to deal with postpartum depression or suffer from a bad mother complex. Fortunately, the woman confronted her problems and even wrote a book on time management for mothers of large families.

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