The most interesting thing is that the eldest daughter, Alesya, also has the same diagnosis, but the second son, Aldiyar, looks completely normal.
By the way, the girls are the only albinos in the entire country.
The mother of the family says that when the eldest, Alesya, was born, the doctors and then the relatives were shocked, and with the birth of Camila, they all gained popularity.
Alesya herself was also very surprised that her sister was born the same way.
Moreover, she had long complexes about her appearance, but over time, she realized that she was unique and accepted herself as she is.
For herself and her sister, the girl opened an account on social networks, where they already have more than 30,000 subscribers.
Alesya recently completed modeling school and has already received numerous invitations for photo shoots and shows, in which her younger sister also participates.