It may seem impossible but it’s entirely possible: these cousins ​​are twins despite all odds


In this world, sometimes very surprising events happen.

Come admire these two wonderful, amazing families in which both cousins ​​are twin brothers. But who can explain how this is done?

Jeremy and Josh Salier are monozygotic twin brothers. They married Briane and Brittany who are also twins born from the same egg.

And these two charming little boys, Jett and Jax are almost the same age.

It may seem impossible but it's entirely possible: these cousins ​​are twins despite all odds

The photograph you see is not a photomontage. It’s an ordinary photo where we see six people, each of whom has their own pair.

In this photo, the most interesting characters are the two babies. But are they cousins ​​or brothers? A question that makes you think.

In reality, the children are cousins.

But from a biological point of view, they can be considered twin brothers, since they were born to uniovular twin mothers and fathers.

It may seem impossible but it's entirely possible: these cousins ​​are twins despite all odds

The little ones are as alike as two drops of water, because they have the same genes.

This is a rare phenomenon, but it happens sometimes. When twins marry twins, it is called a quaternary marriage.

And their children who are, cousins ​​are genetically brothers.

It should be added that these beautiful young couples live together in a large apartment and they founded a company where they all work.

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