Her classmates laughed at her : She shared her photos after 13 cosmetic surgeries ; This is how she looks now

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The heroine of our story, Xiao Bi, didn’t want to remember her school days. The reason was her unpleasant appearance.

In her childhood, this young girl did not have an attractive appearance.

She was unlucky to have good classmates. Her peers didn’t want to be friends with her.

Furthermore, they teased her constantly. Even the girls didn’t want to be friends with her and would laugh at her.

Her classmates laughed at her : She shared her photos after 13 cosmetic surgeries ; This is how she looks now

Xiao felt that not only children but also adults treated her differently.

And the boy she fell in love with made jokes about her appearance.

There are teenagers who undergo significant changes and become more attractive in adulthood.

But that wasn’t the case for Xiao; she understood that she had no chance to become more beautiful.

And since her teenage years, she dreamt of becoming a beautiful girl.

Her classmates laughed at her : She shared her photos after 13 cosmetic surgeries ; This is how she looks now

After graduating from high school, Xiao set out to change her lifestyle.

She started with a diet, went to the gym, and then turned to plastic surgery.

The girl underwent 13 cosmetic surgeries that completely transformed her appearance, to the point where she was unrecognizable and simply a true beauty.

Now, Xiao is happy. She made friends and was admired by several young men who gave her flowers and gifts.

Do you believe that appearance is so important for a person?

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