This man reacted perfectly when an awesome child with autism called him ‘Dad’ during a flight

Populair Nieuws

Last year, Kate and her mother, Shanell Mouland, were on board a Disneyland airplane headed home.

They were placed in the middle seat to prevent Kate from constantly opening and closing the window shade, fearing it might disturb the other passengers.

Although most passengers preferred not to sit near Kate, a man in a suit and tie took a seat next to her.

This man reacted perfectly when an awesome child with autism called him 'Dad' during a flight

This man responded perfectly when a child with autism called him “Dad” during the flight.

Kate immediately started calling him “Dad,” and instead of ignoring her, he took good care of her throughout the flight.

He answered her questions, entertained her, and helped her have a smooth flight.

Touched by the kind stranger’s attitude, Mouland wrote a thank-you letter that went viral.

This man reacted perfectly when an awesome child with autism called him 'Dad' during a flight

Later, they found out that the man’s name was Eric Kunkel, he was from New Jersey, married, and also a parent.

This encounter led to a friendship between the families. Thanks to a stranger’s empathy, Kate had an unforgettable flight.

The story illustrates how a small act of kindness can create deep interpersonal bonds and leave positive traces in the lives of others.

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