Dad asked his 7-year-old son to be his “best man” without knowing he would bring the audience to tears

Populair Nieuws

The young couple carefully choose these individuals to accompany them throughout the wedding preparation and on the big day.

The groom’s best man is usually his closest friend or a male relative such as a brother or cousin. In this case, the groom’s 7-year-old son is the best man.

Yes, this wedding had a child witness! How could a young boy properly fulfill this role, and what would he say in his witness speech?

Dad asked his 7-year-old son to be his "best man" without knowing he would bring the audience to tears

Nicholas del Bono chose Vincent as his witness. It was evident.

He was exceptionally confident for his age. Vincent rushed to the stage with sheets of paper, ready to speak.

“I’m a ladies’ man too,” he said with a mischievous smile.

Dad asked his 7-year-old son to be his "best man" without knowing he would bring the audience to tears

The audience laughed. He gave an enthusiastic introduction! He may not be able to fly, but he has superpowers.

Vincent took the stage with his sincere tribute to his father this time. As the best man, he acknowledged the bride.

Dad asked his 7-year-old son to be his "best man" without knowing he would bring the audience to tears

With tears in his eyes, the boy asked the gathering to salute the young couple.

“I’m honored to be your witness, Dad. I love that we are all del Bonos. I love you guys.

” The father-son closeness was evident. After the speech, Vincent ran to Nick and hugged him tightly.

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