American twin sisters decided to become twin brothers at the same time: their unusual story

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Identical twin sisters from Baltimore have changed their gender and officially become brothers. Jacklin and Jennifer Greif, 23, grew up in a family of conservative Christian pastors.

However, from their earliest childhood, they dreamed of becoming boys. In April 2017, the sisters began taking testosterone.

In August 2017, they underwent breast removal surgeries. After the operation, they changed the gender on their driving licenses.

American twin sisters decided to become twin brothers at the same time: their unusual story

Thus, the state officially recognized the sisters as men. It is worth noting that they are now in a happy relationship with women.

Transgender activists have long pushed for such an amendment to be passed.

Now, people who cannot identify as male or female have the right to submit a written request to change the entry in the sex column on the birth certificate to “third gender.”

American twin sisters decided to become twin brothers at the same time: their unusual story

At the end of September, the brothers received documents with male names. Now Jace is dating a 19-year-old college student and his brother is engaged to a 22-year-old bakery owner.

They say they are very happy now. Today, the brothers live as if they were born boys. What do you think about this? Write your opinions in the comments.

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