A septuagenarian decides to retake her high school diploma to motivate her grandson

Populair Nieuws

Joëlle, aged seventy-six, has managed to obtain her high school diploma for the second time in her life.

The reason? Her grandson Enzo is facing challenges this year. It has been a rewarding journey for her as she once again achieved the prestigious certificate.

The overall percentage of high school graduates has seen a slight decrease this year.

A septuagenarian decides to retake her high school diploma to motivate her grandson

However, Joëlle is doing very well and managed to receive the prestigious diploma.

For this former math teacher, the stakes were not easy to grasp.

Grandma had to take the same STMG (Sciences and Technologies of Management and Communication) lessons as her grandson.

A septuagenarian decides to retake her high school diploma to motivate her grandson

Moreover, the professions have evolved significantly since 1965 when she obtained her first diploma.

Courses in management, law, and economics were subjects that Joëlle had to master in order to succeed brilliantly.

The outcome is more than positive as she managed to graduate with honors, receiving the “good” mention.

A septuagenarian decides to retake her high school diploma to motivate her grandson

In particular, she scored the highest grade (20/20) in philosophy.

The motivation of the septuagenarian may have had an effect on her grandson as well since he also obtained the diploma. Congratulations to both of them!

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